Friday, February 19, 2016

Branta Canadensis

The Inglewood Bird Sanctuary in Calgary was severely damaged during the 2013 flood. After the raging Bow River calmed, tons of debris from elsewhere found a resting place in the sanctuary, and its trails, bridges, and viewpoints were simply gone.

Since moving to Calgary in 1983 my family and I have walked the trails and pathways of the bird sanctuary numerous times, and it is one place we always take overseas visitors to. It is such a lovely green oasis in the middle of the city. My camera and Jan’s binoculars at the ready, we have seen many different birds and wildlife there over the years. So we were very happy when most of the sanctuary reopened in July 2015.

With cleats on our boots we took a wintry walk on the restored trails not so long ago. The ever-cheerful chickadees were flitting about us, one even landed on my toque for a second! Hundreds of mallards were resting at water’s edge, males by far outnumbering females strangely enough. Canada geese took to the air many times, giving me plenty of opportunity to practice photographing moving objects. As I looked at the downloaded pictures at home, I was in for a few surprises.

When I took this picture I didn’t realize there was a plane in the frame, too. While I would have liked the picture without the plane, its presence adds so much more to the story. Man and bird, flying in opposite directions, each with a destination in mind; one consciously, one by instinct.

Sometimes the Canada geese flew past very quickly close to the bench where I was sitting. In this photograph I sense speed through the blurry background and wings, yet the focused birds calm the overall feel of the image.
My focus points didn’t always hit a bird which is very obvious in this last image! But the result reminds me of an abstract painting, so even though I didn’t consciously seek to create this effect, I am quite happy with this photograph. I know they are Canada geese in flight. Had I not told you, would you have guessed?


  1. Hi Eva, As always your blog is very interesting and I love your perspective on life! I will have to visit this bird sanctuary sometime - it sounds great.
